Get away from the busy life by creating a comfy hideaway bedroom strictly for relaxing. Let us help you create a beautiful chillout space in your bedroom by following these tips.

Perfect your personal paradise by considering the following design elements for your bedroom:

  • Comforting Colour Scheme
  • Screen-Free Zone
  • A Tidy Room Means A Tidy Mind
  • Constructing Beds For Beauty & Comfort
  • Getting The Mood Right With Lighting

Nothing beats the kitchen for getting creative, but no-one is truly relaxed around all those knives. The living room is great for getting comfy, but as a place for the whole family, you’re never going to fully unclench there. Washing away the day’s worries is easily done in the bathroom, but it was never built for long-term comfort. 

The bedroom however, is a celebratory chillout paradise devoted to you and you alone!

And according to we need to do everything we can to help reduce stress.

A Comforting Colour Scheme For Your Relaxing Bedroom

Colour can affect mood, so it is vital that your perfect bedroom for relaxing not only look good, but feel good. Neutral tones and pastel colours are often best for a relaxing room, giving off a tranquil vibe that helps wind us down and encourage a calming state of mind. Soft blues walls are often great for this, with white elements such as furniture or ornaments and trinkets dotted about the room. 

Green and grey colours are also good choices for relaxing décor, as long as they are not too bright. Dark colours such as pewter and other greys create a peaceful effect, complemented by softer tones. Just be careful not to overdo it with the neutral colours and, (heaven forbid!), end up with a space that looks dull. 

Typical colour combinations for stylish yet relaxing bedrooms include:

  • Beige, off-whites and stone make for a great Skandi-feel room
  • Olive, sage and other greens are a very ‘on trend’ combo of colours at the moment
  • Pinks are often paired up with greys and golds for that young feel
  • Blue can regularly be seen supported by mustard yellow, turquoise and grey
  • Burnt orange goes well with ochre and terracotta for that Mediterranean vibe

Time Out From Screens Helps to Create a Relaxing Bedroom

Phones, laptops and iPads in a relaxing bedroom are a terrible idea. Distractions aside, the light from these electronic devices make falling asleep harder, even long after you’ve put them down. In order to avoid a stressful struggle to sleep, impose a bedroom ban on blue light technologies. Consider charging devices in a different part of the house. As a rule, out of sight means out of mind!

Instead of browsing social media, take time to read a good book during wind-down time. Much more relaxing than engaging with electronic devices, a book before bedtime can help you lose yourself in another world. Reading can help you to get away from the problems of real-life, and lay the groundwork for some great dreams.

A Tidy Room Means A Tidy Mind

You don’t need to make your bedroom a sterile environment in order to sleep well, but having a tidy up can certainly help. Bedroom clutter can be distracting and stressful. It can also be a reminder that the world is a busy place with lots to do. This is hardly the place for a relaxing evening.

The act of tidying up a room can be cathartic. It can also help convince yourself that you have ‘earned’ a good night’s rest. Don’t go overboard and chuck out everything though. A few meaningful items, such as photographs of loved ones, should be kept. If anything else, de-cluttering your room allows you to appreciate all the effort and creativity that went into decorating it.

And is there anything more inviting than freshly cleaned bedding?

Construct Beds For Beauty & Comfort

Make Sure Your Bedroom Has A Beautiful Bed For Relaxing

At the heart of the room is the bed. Whether you prefer it to be a simple or extravagant design, the bed is the centrepiece of the bedroom. It sets the style and tone for the rest of the bedroom, crucial to the relaxing atmosphere. Choosing a beautiful bed frame is crucial to creating a great look to your boudoir. Unlike other parts of your sleep HQ, the bed is not an area of the budget where you want to try and cut corners. As well as looking great, the bed also needs to serve the very practical function of being comfortable and relaxing. 

Get Comfy On Your Ideal Mattress

When it comes to comfort, choosing the right mattress for your needs is essential. A quality mattress elevates your bed from a place of casual laying down to a central rest station that helps wind you down at night and fully recharges you for the morning. 

Finding the right mattress for your specific requirements depends on what material you find most comfortable, and what type of support your body needs. There are many, many different fillings available, all offering various benefits. 

Find Your Most Comfortable Mattress Filling

Natural mattress fillings such as down or feather down afford an incredibly soft, marshmallow-like feel ideal for those who want to sink into the world of sleep. If you’re wanting a rustic vibe to your room, then nothing gives the farmyard feel more than a feather-filled mattress except, of course, wool.

Wool is an amazing temperature regulator, so despite any bad itchy heatstroke experiences you may have had with grandma’s knitted jumper last Christmas, you can rest assured that a comfy, well-balanced sleep will be had. As a bonus, wool features great hygroscopic properties that help keep your bed fresh by evaporating sweaty moisture. 

For the more hi-tech sleeper, memory foam offers amazing viscosity, which is a resistance to permanent change. This means that no matter how you sleep, your mattress will return to its original shape, which is a fantastic bit of technology for anyone who’s ever experienced a saggy mattress. Gel foam mattresses are great for those who prefer a cooler sleep, while the branded Tempur allows for a high-end memory foam experience. 

Once you have found the mattress of your dreams, be sure to flip and rotate it on a regular basis to keep it as accommodating to your relaxation needs as possible.

Head Toward A Relaxing Pillow

A bad pillow will have you rubbing your neck and back all day while feeling too tired to do your job properly. A great pillow will have you feeling fresh, well-rested and eager to take on the world with a whistle. A good pillow is an essential element of a relaxing bedroom.

Before committing to a pillow you think looks comfy you should consider what type of sleeper you are:

If You Are A Back Sleeper

Medium thickness pillows are usually best for those who sleep on their back, supporting the neck without raising it too high

If You Are A Front Sleeper

Thin, soft pillows are typically best for front sleepers as it helps maintain the neck in a neutral position

If You Are A Side Sleeper

A firm, thick pillow normally serves side sleepers well, supporting the head evenly from the mattress

Much like a mattress, the filling of a pillow is essential to its success in resting your head and neck. Natural fibres such as wool and feather should be considered as readily as memory foam and latex (an amazing supportive, bouncy and eco-friendly material).

Pillow casings are not to be forgotten when it comes to comfort either. As it is the part of the bed your head will be resting upon all night, it is important to make sure it is of a material that will not irritate your skin. 

Cotton and polyester are popular materials, but if you’re looking to treat yourself then viscose (a material similar to silk) should be on your radar. 

Dive Deep Into A Duvet Decision

The same consideration to duvet filling needs to be taken as for mattresses and pillows. In addition to the inside materials, thought needs to be given to the construction – baffle, channel and box, – as this plays a big part in determining heat distribution. Also important is the tog rating, which affects how hot you’ll feel at different times of year. 

Getting The Relaxing Bedroom Mood Right With Lighting

No one can sleep under a spotlight, so if you’re having dreams of intense interrogations then it may be time to change to lower wattage light bulbs. When it comes to bedroom lighting, the softer option is usually best. Three-way lamps with dimmers are a great addition to a bedroom, allowing you to adjust the lighting to your momentary needs. 

Be sure not to strain your eyes however. Investing in a great bedside lamp will not only add to the room’s décor, but save your sight from struggle when reading in bed. 

Great, relaxing bedroom lighting can often include:

  • Background lighting from localised lamps. In addition to lamps on either side of the bed, an additional standing lamp next to a chair can add a touch of sophistication to a room, strongly suggesting that a lot of reading takes place in there.
  • Light strips can be placed in any under hangs, shelving or cupboard areas to add a level of modern style.
  • Night lights can be added to a room to create an amazingly chilled ambiance.

Start your journey into creating the perfectly chilled bedroom by finding a bed perfect for you from our wide variety available at Land of Beds. 

Want to delve even deeper into bedrooms and bedding? You might find the following articles useful:

How To Create The Perfect Bedroom For Your Child

How Many Pillows Should You Be Sleeping On?

Need Help Choosing A Bed For A Relaxing Bedroom?

Great sleep hygiene is a fundamental part of a healthy lifestyle. Shouting kids, bright lights from passing car headlights, and fighting cats might be beyond our control, but what we can help with is assembling a bed perfect for your needs. 

Deciding on the best bed for your needs depends on several factors.

  • What type of frame do you want?
  • What temperature do you sleep best in?
  • What materials are you most comfortable on?

There is no need to lose sleep over trying to find the ideal bed and bedding for your sleeping needs. Our bed experts at Land of Beds pride themselves on their specialist knowledge and ability to guide you to the bed and bedding for your perfect bedroom

Our customer-first policy means we listen and give good, independent advice based on the needs of the individual. By pairing consumers up with ethically sourced, affordable, quality products, we provide as many people as possible with a great night’s sleep. 

If you would like help creating your perfect bed, feel free to get in touch with us on 01928 242829